

Putting On My Princess Shoes

By MaryAnn Willer

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Putting On My Princess Shoes

By MaryAnn Willer

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Dedicated to the persecuted church and to all those who have come alongside to encourage and pray in our burden.


What kind of shoes are you wearing?

The shoes on your feet can take you to exciting and adventurous places. But if you’re not wearing the right shoes, your journey can turn into a struggle. That’s why it’s important to wear the very best shoes—princess shoes!

So what are princess shoes? And how does one find them? And what exactly do these shoes look like?

Step inside this book to discover how to dance and how to laugh and how to share that joy with others when you wear princess shoes.


About the Author

About the Author

About the Author

About the Author

About the Author


MaryAnn Willer is wife to Perry Willer, the mother of three children, and grandmother to eight grandchildren. They live in Northern California.

Maryann has traveled all over the world sharing her passion by sharing the Gospel with others. She has a fierce boldness that comes across gently and breaks down barriers. She teaches women’s Bible Studies, serves as a Jail Chaplain, studied as a nurse and with that education, also serves her community by volunteering her time at the Crisis Pregnancy Center.

She is a speaker and author and is available to speak at conferences and retreats. Her excitement and passion for sharing the Gospel are contagious.


About the Illustrators


This book was illustrated by sisters who narrowly escaped harsh punishment when they and their brother left their family behind. They were persecuted for their faith because they received Jesus Christ as their Savior upon hearing the Gospel through satellite TV. These ladies are available to illustrate books.

They take special joy in sharing how Jesus has changed their lives completely since turning to Him. Any interest in supporting their work and ministry should be directed to the girl's United States contact. 


Schedule of Events

Speaking Engagements/Events

Schedule of Events

Speaking Engagements/Events